Today, there is growing backlash to the institutional commitments and cultural gains made in response to the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. Suddenly, corporate diversity initiatives are disappearing, book bans are rising, and demands to exclude topics like slavery from school curricula throughout the country keep gaining traction. All are signs of potential cultural backslide - one that we need critics, especially critics of color, to anticipate, call attention to, and grapple with for us...
So, it is within this challenging context that Critical Minded's Topdogs and Underdogs: Critics of Color and the Theatrical Landscape, the first report of its kind, emerges. Authored by critics Sharon Mizota and Oliver Wang, this is an incisive evaluation of the structural challenges critics of color face and a clarion call for change.
Critical Minded is a grantmaking and learning initiative whose work is focused on resourcing and raising the visibility of critics and writers through direct support to publications and individuals, research, and convening
Launched from a national convening of critics in 2017, Critical Minded emerged from the belief that engaging critically with the ideas and images that surround us is a prerequisite for transforming our cultural landscape and preserving democracy.
Additional Resources
Defying Gravity: Conversations with Leaders from Nonprofit Theater
National Endowment for the Arts
Curtains Up: Critical Factors Influencing Theater Resiliency
National Endowment for the Arts
Theatre Facts 2022
Theatre Communications Group
Theatre in Crisis: What We’re Losing, and What Comes Next
American Theatre
Reconstructing American News
Ford Foundation
Visual Arts Journalism: Newsroom Pressure and Generational Change
Nieman Reports
Critic’s Choice 2: Gender and Race/Ethnicity of Film Reviewers Across 300 Top Films from 2015-2017
Annenberg Inclusion Initiative